Keiko Matsui Higa Recalls Being Local

1It is said that many people want to write a book, but few do. Keiko Higa did it, and rich memories about growing up in Hawai‘i will inspire you to get started on your own story — even if it’s only for your grandchildren.

Like so many “locals,” Higa comes from many cultural traditions. Her dad was Japanese, her mother Okinawan and her husband Filipino. Add to that her respect for Hawaiian culture and you have “chop suey” talk story — something for everyone. Woven through family history, descriptions2 of local places and times past, are Higa’s heartfelt concerns — social injustice of the Japanese internment era, low plantation wages and tracking by race when she was in school. Higa was educated at UH Manoa, Claremont School of Theology and UC Berkley, and was a city planner for the City of Las Vegas. Her stories are at once ethereal and mundane. She mixes the salt of her ideas on global oppression and colonization with the pepper of pidgin poetry, ethnic traditions and church potlucks. It is local, candid and engaging. Even if you do not agree with her views, you will understand exactly how she came to them — and respect her courage to put words into action, and follow her deep passion for justice and peace.

Being Local in Hawai‘i is available online at and at

She also does talks for community groups. For information and details call,808-944-0317.


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