Older Americans Month Awardees

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Older Americans Month 2016 Honorees
(L–R, front row) Shirley Simbre-Medeiros & Edward Kawamura (Kaua‘i), Gail Yuen & Jimmy Lee (O‘ahu), Kathleen Phillips & John Tryggestad (Maui), Claire Inman & Roy Haslip (Hawai‘i County), (back row) Kealoha Takahashi (AAA, Kaua‘i), Nalani Aki (EAD, O‘ahu), Kimo Alameda (AAA, Hawai‘i County), Gov. David Ige, Debra Stone-Walls (AAA, Maui), Caroline Cadirao (EOA), Joy Miyasaki (PABEA chair), Rep. Gregg Takayama (emcee).

On June 3, the State of Hawai’i honored eight citizens over 60 years of age who are making a difference in their communities. The governor and state officials honored the awardees at a luncheon at Kahala Nui Living Center. Every year, as a part of celebrating Older Americans Month, the state recognizes the contributions of two community volunteers (over age 60) from each major island: O‘ahu, Hawai‘i, Maui and Kaua‘i. Each Area Agency on Aging (AAA) receives dozens of nominees from community groups, senior centers and churches. State offices and agencies, led by the Executive Office on Aging, host the award luncheon, which is organized by the governor’s Policy Advisory Board for Elder Affairs, (PABEA).

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(L–R) Nalani Aki, director, Elderly Affairs Division, Honolulu; Rev. John Tomoso, PABEA, Maui; Adele Rugg, PABEA, Maui; and Leonard Fabro, EAD, Honolulu.
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Ernest Harada entertains on stage, accompanied by Lorna Kaeck and keyboardist Don Conover.









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