I Never Knew That About Hospice

Kokua Mau is Hawai‘i’s resource for accurate information on hospice and palliative care services. Visit them online. Then call your health insurance company or local hospice to have all your questions answered. What people say about hospice is sometimes inaccurate:

I don’t need Hospice. Mom’s not in a coma yet.

Hospice care starts when your doctor says your loved one will probably not survive more than six months. Support from Hospice nurses, doctors, social workers, chaplains and aides can begin at any level of care. There is no need to wait.

Dad doesn’t want to go to Hospice. He wants to die at home.

Hospice does some work in facilities, but the Hospice team supports most patients and caregivers at home, in the comfort of familiar surroundings.

We want to keep the home caregiver we have.

Hospice joins the care team already in place, providing another level of support for the family and the patient. Hospice is dedicated to making patients comfortable.

If Dad lives longer than six months, Hospice will kick me out.

Not so. As long as a doctor recertifies that your loved one has a six-month or less prognosis, hospice service continues. If your loved one gets better, Hospice comes back whenever he/she is eligible again. You don’t “use up” Hospice.


P.O. Box 62155, Honolulu, HI 96839

808-585-9977  |  Info@kokuamau.org  |  www.kokuamau.org


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