Solar Savvy: Tips from the Industry Pros

Generations Magazine - Solar Savvy: Tips from the Industry Pros - Image 01Look around. Gleaming new solar panels are going up on roofs all over Hawai‘i. It’s no wonder — with our exorbitant electricity rates, year-round sun and substantial tax credits, installing a PV system in Hawai‘i makes so much sense, especially if you’re on a fixed income. Homeowners who educate themselves before investing will enjoy reliable energy savings for generations to come.

Here are four tips from the pros:

  • Be aware of sales gimmicks like cash rebates or free trips. Because of the tax credits involved, the government frowns upon these kinds of incentives. Avoid being vulnerable to an audit.
  • Insist on a reputable solar panel manufacturer. There are literally dozens of new brands jumping on the PV bandwagon. You are making an investment that should last decades. Will the company be around to honor its warranty?
  • Ask if the provider employs its installers. Many providers use sub-contractors to handle the all-important installation aspects. If something goes wrong two years down the road, you don’t want your provider passing the buck.
  • Be sure to hire a full-service, licensed solar company. Look for the state’s C-60 Solar Power Systems Contractor license. This ensures your provider has passed rigorous testing and has the necessary experience with solar, roof work, hookups and permitting to do a top-notch job.

Alternate Energy
803 Ahua St., Honolulu, HI 96819
808-842-5853 |