It’s Never Too Early to Plan Ahead

A smart person is one who plans for the future. I truly believe that being prepared NOW can never be too late, unless time passes you by.

Here are a couple personal examples that I would like to share with you… one being that my husband and I installed a walk-in shower when we were only 67 years old because we wanted to upgrade our 36-year-old tub. Why wait until we need one, right?

I know that thinking ahead about a funeral plan will make it less stressful for your family. This “thinking ahead” has helped my family twice and will be helpful to my cousin and my children in the future. The idea of a funeral plan started when I began caregiving for my oldest cousin who never married and had no children.

With my help, she got a plan she wanted and I wrote down all her important information in the funeral guidebook.

That same year, my husband and I purchased our own funeral plans.

A couple years later, my parents decided to get their funeral plans when I said, “Valley of the Temples can live-stream a funeral” as we drove past it from their house.

In 2022 and 2023, I found out how having a funeral plan made the mourning for my mother, then father, bearable and allowed us to just focus entirely on their memory.

If you have a story you’d like to share or know of someone celebrating their centenarian year, contact Sherry Goya at 808-722-8487 or email


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