Creative Giving And Tax Planning

The holidays remind us of two things: gift giving and year-end tax planning. A charitable gift can help you support your favorite cause, benefit your family and reduce your taxes. In addition to cash gifts, consider these other two charitable gift strategies:

Appreciated Asset Gifts

Gifts of appreciated assets such as securities or real estate can help your favorite charity, may not affect your cash flow and can provide the following tax benefits:

  • A charitable deduction against income taxes
  • Bypass of capital gains taxes
  • Avoidance of the tax on net investment income

Charitable Life Income Plans

If you have low-yielding assets and desire higher income, a charitable life income gift may be worth exploring. In exchange for your gift of cash or appreciated securities, you may reap multiple benefits:

  • Receive a lifetime income
  • Generate current income tax deduction
  • Bypass of capital gains on appreciated assets
  • Make it part of your legacy, a future gift upon your passing

Many charities have gift offices that can help you plan. You should also consult your financial or tax advisor for information specific to your situation and federal rules that might apply.

Please note: this information is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Gift results may vary.

National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii
808-589-5976 |
For Planned Giving:
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