‘Tis the Season of Merriment & Stress

Relief is in your hands. Here are points that can be used easily and quickly. The Sea of Vitality (B-23 and B-47) in the lower back, are super important healing points to counteract holiday stress, lower back pain, and health problems due to excess cold. Use these points to boost your immune system!

Body diagram - Generations Magazine - February-March 2013Place your fists into your back and rock them gradually, in slow motion, to activate these points. Do this 2–3 times daily.

There are also other complimenting points that are helpful in this time of high energy. One in particular is Bearing Support (B-36), that governs resistance, especially to colds and flu. It is located near the spine, off the tips of the shoulder blades. Conversely, they are also the first to get blocked up just before an illness.

Relief is in your hands. Here are points that can be used easily and quickly. The Sea of Vitality (B-23 and B-47) in the lower back, are super important healing points to counteract holiday stress, lower back pain, and health problems due to excess cold. Use these points to boost your immune system!

Place your fists into your back and rock them gradually, in slow motion, to activate these points. Do this 2–3 times daily.

There are also other complimenting points that are helpful in this time of high energy. One in particular is Bearing Support (B-36), that governs resistance, especially to colds and flu. It is located near the spine, off the tips of the shoulder blades. Conversely, they are also the first to get blocked up just before an illness.

Acupressure Points & Methods for Boosting and Strengthening Immunity

In a fast-paced world, everyday stresses accumulate inside our bodies, causing shoulder and neck tensions; and anxieties that often make it hard to breathe. It is easy to overwork yourself with too many commitments and extending yourself to the point of exhaustion. This energy imbalance weakens the immune system. Eating properly, getting enough rest, exercise, practicing techniques that release tension and balancing the body would help the resistance to illnesses. Acupressure and especially deep breathing strengthen the immune system and helps to ward off disease.Front of Body Diagram - Generations Magazine - February-March 2013

Traditional Chinese medicine discovered that excesses of particular activities weaken the immune system by overstressing certain acupressure meridian pathways.

Excess standing damages the bladder and kidney meridians, which can cause fatigue and low backaches. To restore these meridians, stimulate the Sea of Vitality (B-23 and B-47) points by rubbing your lower back for one minute. Then hold Elegant Mansion (K-27) directly below your collarbone for another minute. Finally, hold the Bigger Stream (K-3) points on the insides of your ankles for one minute as you breathe deeply.

Excess sitting can damage the stomach and spleen meridians, which can contribute to anemia or digestive disorders. Stimulate the Three Mile Points (St -36) on the outsides of your calves to benefit these meridians.

Side of Body Diagram - Generations Magazine - February-March 2013Excess lying down can damage the large intestine and lung meridians, which can affect both respiration and elimination. For these meridians use Joining the Valley (Hoku, LI-4) in the valley between the thumb and forefinger and Crooked Pond (LI-11) on the upper edge of your elbow.

Excess use of your eyes (as in close desk work) or emotional stress can damage the small intestine and heart meridians, which can create emotional imbalances. The Sea of Tranquility (CV-17) on the center of your breastbone is an excellent point for balancing these meridians.

Excess physical exertion can damage the gallbladder and liver meridians, which can cause cramps and spasms. Use Bigger Rushing (LV-3) on the top of your feet to benefit these meridians.

By using these acupressure points regularly, balancing your activities, eating proper foods and practicing deep breathing, you can counteract stresses, prevent fatigue, and boost your immune system.

For more information, visit Acupressure.com.

*This article is originated from the book Acupressure’s Potent Points and was given reprint permission by Acupressure.com, the official website for acupressure.


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