The Fountain of Youth


If you have heard of the centuries-old myth of the mystical Fountain of Youth, you know it was rumored to be a spring that healed and restored the youth of anyone young or old, lame or sick, who would drink from it or bathe in its waters. Explorers spent their lives searching for such a spring, but… was it only a dream?

A short peek into the lives of three Hawai‘i residents, recently crowned Ms. Medicare™ 2015, reveals the curious nature of youthfulness — it flows from within…

The inaugural Ms. Medicare,™ “Age of Elegance” pageant, held last year in Hawai‘i, was the very first of it’s kind. The idea, which became the mission for the competition and celebration, was my notion that qualifying for Medicare at age 65, or at any age due to disability, does not diminish an individual’s vitality or relevance in life. In fact, it seemed to me that Medicare supports healthy aging. Ms. Medicare titleholders promote this mission, acting as role models for those newly eligible for Medicare or existing Medicare beneficiaries who remain healthy and continue to enjoy an active life, long after Medicare age. Crown holders want other Medicare beneficiaries to learn more about the value of government health programs like Medicare and Medicaid. By appearing at health fairs and events focused on aging and healthy living, the pageant winners share their own personal experiences as Medicare beneficiaries. The titleholders focus on Medicare program affordability, beneficiary rights and protections, quality of care, preventive screenings, and freedom to choose plan type and options. They also share how Medicare coverage allows them to continue to live life to its fullest without concern about increasing healthcare needs, which may arise as they age. Each Ms. Medicare is eager to share how Medicare works for them, regardless of the health plan they have chosen to provide their coverage. This year’s sponsors include KNDI radio, Ohana Health Plan,, and Southern Insurance Group.

“ Our bodies are our temples and God made us all wonderful. I nourish myself, my family,and friends with natural whole foods and nutrients, which allows energy and vitality to flow within us. This is how we enjoy and sustain healthy, productive lives.”

Lorraine Bachran making smoothies
Lorraine Bachran making smoothies

Laurie Bachran, at age 86 years young, holds the title of Ms. Original Medicare. Original Medicare provides coverage for a portion of the costs for core benefits like in-patient hospital care under Part A and Part B doctor visits, lab work etc. Original Medicare beneficiaries can pair their coverage with a stand-alone Part D prescription drug plan, and/or a Medicare supplemental plan, to cover some or all of the costs not covered by Original Medicare.

Laurie is truly an “original.” In the 1970s, decades before the current trends of juicing, raw diets or “fasting” periodically to cleanse the system, Laurie owned and operated Living Foods health-food store in Kane‘ohe, the place to go for delicious freshly made smoothies, organic food and herbal supplements. If you catch up with Laurie at home, she will blend you a nutritious smoothie. You will certainly find restoration in her personal warmth and energy, in the brief minutes it takes her to whip up your drink. A cornucopia of healthy fruits and vegetables is a constant staple in her kitchen.

Laurie, was born in the late 1920s, and returned to Hawai‘i after college in 1949 with her husband, Bill Bachran, whom she met during a production of The Mikado. Bill worked as a media and public relations consultant for over 40 years. He managed the Hawaiian Open and Sony Open in Hawai‘i media room for decades and was fluent in Japanese. Bill’s work allowed Laurie and Bill to meet and enjoy the company of Frank Sinatra, Norman Rockwell, Gary Cooper, Arnold Palmer, Tiger Woods — all originals in their fields. Their marriage of 60-plus years produced three sons, three daughters, 10 grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren. Bill credited Laurie with keeping him vibrant and healthy as he continued to work long after he became an octogenarian.

Generations Magazine - The Fountain of YouthNow in her eighties, in addition to appearances as Ms. Original Medicare 2015, Laurie continues to work as a beauty consultant for Better Health Unlimited and as a member of the Xyngular Corporation. Elite American Health trade association recently recognized her dedication, leadership and achievements in nutritional counseling. Laurie educates individuals interested in learning habits that produce healthy lifestyles and enhanced quality of life. In addition, she is a highly sought after public speaker and author of two cookbooks: Mrs. Hawai‘i’s Cookbook and Mrs. Hawai‘i’s New Cookbook. She also holds a master’s degree in theology, and volunteers at River of Life shelter. She used to teach Bible studies throughout the islands and served as a co-pastor for New Hope Christian Fellowship. She believes a joyful spirit and spiritual strength are the keys to a rich, satisfying life.

Generations Magazine - The Fountain of Youth
Tutu Laurie and her grandchildren are all “in the pink”— her favorite color — enjoying an outing at Kane‘ohe Bay.

The nature of Laurie’s youthfulness begins with healthy nutrition, regular exercise, and drinking healthy amounts of water. Once tapped, a mystical “Fountain of Youth” seems to spring from her in all directions. Just meeting her leaves you feeling refreshed and optimistic.

If wife, mother grandmother, great-grandmother, entrepreneur, pastor and author is not enough to convince you of her vitality, Ms. Original Medicare is not Laurie Bachran’s first pageant title — and even at the age of 86 — it’s not necessarily her last. Laurie competed in a national contest sponsored by AARP and was selected as one of AARP’s Fresh Faces of 2008. In 1963, two years before The Medicare Act was signed into law, Laurie was crowned Mrs. Hawai‘i.

Generations Magazine - The Fountain of Youth
Four generations of the Bachran clan now pursue active healthy lives in Hawai‘i. Laurie maintains a healthy lifetyle, mindful of her diet, exercise and water intake. She also models and teaches her family the tenets of her Christian faith, which offers strength and joy for a rich and satisfying life.

Original Medicare celebrated it’s 50th birthday in July — how fitting that Laurie be crowned Ms. Original Medicare 2015. She is a true original. Laurie will likely continue to be active and vibrant until age 100. Stay tuned — you may see her in a 2030 Ms. Original Centenarian Pageant!

“There is great strength coming from connection with family and friends. Watching families develop common goals, encourage each other and grow spiritually fuels my life energy. It is important to show love and be surrounded by people you love. My family is my Center.”

Generations Magazine - The Fountain of YouthFay Rawles Schoch was crowned Ms. Medicare Advantage™ 2015, representing those beneficiaries who choose to get their Medicare coverage from a private insurance company. These plans are known as Medicare Advantage plans under the category of Medicare Part C programs. A government publication, Medicare & You 2015, lists AlohaCare, Kaiser, HMSA, Humana, Ohana Health Plan and UnitedHealth as health organizations that offer Medicare Advantage plans to Hawai‘i Medicare beneficiaries.

Fay has had long and diverse careers as an insurance executive, bank trust officer, offshore cruise-line human resources director, and certified Adlerian parent educator and writer. All her pursuits demonstrate a deep connection with the world around her, but her deepest passion is her work as a parenting educator and writer.

Fay continues to conduct parenting workshops and develops written materials for them. Now in her early 70s, she and Robert Schoch are married for more than 40 years. They met at an insurance conference and on their first date Fay learned that Robert was a single dad raising two girls and a boy. After a short courtship, they married.

Generations Magazine - The Fountain of YouthAt the young age of 25, Fay became the parent of three toddlers under the age of five. As a new wife and stepmom, Fay discovered the work of German psychologist Alfred W. Adler. It resonated with her as the perfect prescription for managing her instant family. Fay began absorbing Adler’s work and applying his concepts at home. She credits her ability to smile through tough times and challenges of rearing a family to her Adlerian training. It teaches that we cannot control events, but we can control how we respond to them. Adlerian theory of parenting takes a holistic approach to mutual respect and accepting responsibility for behaviors . Counselors teach, guide and encourage children with the ultimate goal to promote each individual’s sense of belonging, and to increase their social interests and societal contributions. Adlerian techniques focus on all family members valuing each other, staying connected and participating in “family meetings,” where everyone is encouraged to share their concerns, successes and challenges.

As the children reached their teenage years, Fay found she was expecting; soon she had a blended family, with the oldest in her 20s and the youngest in diapers. Adlerian parenting techniques again proved most valuable.

Generations Magazine - The Fountain of YouthEach sibling accepted and doted over their little sister; they remained close even as college and relationships drew them away from home. Fay’s youngest became a great athlete, comfortable playing soccer and football. With her parent’s support, she successfully petitioned to compete on a Pop Warner football team. After graduating from Punahou School, she received a congressional appointment to attend the United States Merchant Marine Academy in New York, served on the high seas for six years and is now a Coast Guard reservist, USCG Third Assistant Engineer. Fay’s daughter also earned her masters degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is currently an executive with Intel Corporation and lives in Silicon Valley with her husband and two children. As she raises her own toddlers, She uses Adlerian parenting concepts and frequently consults with mom for new tips.

Fay has been teaching Adlerian theory parenting classes for more than 25 years and is a founding director of the Family Education Training Center of Hawai‘i (FETCH). Many of her former students are grandparents now, who return to her classes to share their successes using techniques Fay taught them — and to keep learning Adlerian techniques that help them care for their grandchildren.

Generations Magazine - The Fountain of Youth
For Fay Rawles Schoch, the important connections to her husband and children radiate out to grandchildren, community and the world beyond. In her travels to the Vatican and Spain, she experiences the novelty, beauty and value of all people.

Fay maintains a busy schedule, traveling to Europe to see family and friends, visiting her adult children and grandchildren on the West coast, and teaching parenting classes. She loves attending a water aerobics class offered by the Windward YMCA. Fay smiles easily and has a sense of humor that brings a smile to everyone she meets. At age 72 years young, her skin is smooth and flawless and her shoulder length hair perfectly frames her lovely smile. Fay radiates a light and joy that are consistent with the benefits of the legendary “Fountain of Youth.” Her lifelong practice of Adlerian concepts has allowed all who partake of her wisdom to enjoy a sense of belonging, well-being and a connectedness to family, friends, community and society as a whole. A simple hug or “aloha” from Fay triggers a sense of well being — that all is okay in the world and your presence in it makes life better.

“As a child, my mother stressed the importance of correct posture… That coaching opened many opportunities and fortune; and led to the physical lifestyle I have today. I am forever grateful for her investing in me. Her care and wisdom continue to burn brightly within me.”

Generations Magazine - The Fountain of YouthTerri Rainey represents our Ms. Medicare/Medicaid Dual Eligible pageant title. Medicare beneficiaries who qualify for both federally administered Medicare and full Medicaid benefits from their State health program are known as “duals.” If a Medicare beneficiary is dual eligible, they can join a Medicare Special Needs Plan or SNP. Health plans that offer Medicare SNP’s, provide a valuable service for duals by coordinating benefits between the Federal Medicare program and State Medicaid plan to ensure the beneficiary has a seamless experience accessing benefits from both programs.

Nubian Pageant winners.
Nubian Pageant winners.

Our youngest crownholder at the young age of 68, Terri Rainey is elegant and charming. As a personal trainer and life coach, Terri has the physique of a ballerina and the grace of a European princess. It will come as no surprise that as a young child, Terri was a music prodigy and child model. She also competed and was crowned Miss Fashionetta 1965 and Mrs. Ebony World Hawai‘I 1992. Terri is the co-owner of Nubian Pageant Systems® and has been a judge or consultant for many local pageants, including Miss Hawai‘i USA, Miss Cherry Blossom, Miss Filipino Hawai‘i and the National Miss United Way.

Pageant owner Terri Rainey and her husband George mentor African-American men and women through NubianPageant Systems.
Pageant owner Terri Rainey and her husband George mentor African-American men and women through NubianPageant Systems.

Terri has been married to George Rainey for more than 35 years. In 2010, they co-founded and launched Nubian Pageant Systems on the island of Maui where they reside. Based out of Hawai‘i, the Rainey’s organization has an overarching mission to role model personal development in African American men, women and children as young as 4 years of age, “instilling a rich African cultural pride and teaching our ancestors’ contributions and achievements to the world.” They wish to create a stronger community of individuals who exercise strong character, wholesomeness and compassion.

Terri’s experience, as well as her personal commitment and dedication to the causes she believes in, enabled her to begin her reign as Ms. Medicare Dual Medicare-Medicaid immediately after the December 2014 crowning ceremony. She has been a sought-after educational speaker at senior clubs and events throughout Maui, and has dazzled audiences with both her oral presentations and also her appearance. Terri graces any stage with the eloquence of royalty. She is compassionate, with a heart of gold — but she may not let you eat cake. Trim and muscular, Rainey follows the workout regimen of an Olympic athlete, paying strict attention to what she eats and the dietary habits of those around her. She is a walking, talking “Wikipedia” of nutritional facts, but does not attempt to be heavy-handed or aggressive — or insist you adopt her dietary regimen. Her energy, strength, balance, flexibility and obvious low body fat tell her story — people look and ask her how to get there. The benefits of her healthy lifestyle are reflected from head to toe, challenging others to learn more from her and adopt her habits.

Terri with her mom, Gladys Lee, attending a fundraiser dinner dance in Honolulu.
Terri with her mom, Gladys Lee, attending a fundraiser dinner dance in Honolulu.

There is no question that Terri has unlocked the secrets of the “Fountain of Youth,” and bathes daily in it’s restorative waters. Terri and her husband travel extensively, and have been around the world at least once — halfway around many times. Terri is so photogenic, that snapshots of her and George, touring, exercising, relaxing on the beach or shopping in foreign ports around the world look more like professional photo shoots, destined for commercial use. Terri definitely emits the image of someone decades younger than her 68 years. A fountain of youth within her continues to feed her passion to help others discover their own special vitality and personal strengths.

The three reigning titleholders of the 2015 Ms. Medicare Pageant all teach us an important lesson about the true nature of youth. They have found ways to nurture an uncommon youthfulness inside them and draw on it every day. Explorer Ponce de Leon, failed to locate a physical fountain. Perhaps that elusive fountain actually lies within all of us, just waiting to be drawn to the surface by proper nutrition, a sense of well-being, connectedness to the people and world around us, and robust, active movement throughout our day. This is the nature of youth.

As the reigning Ms. Medicare titleholders’ year of service concludes, their greatest contribution just might be guiding us to the notion that our “Fountain of Youth” lays dormant inside all of us. Its restorative powers may be unleashed at any age, if we emulate the lives of people who successfully bathe in its waters and drink from its springs. Let’s seek out health, strength and joy! The rest of our lives on Medicare begins today — let’s find that “Fountain of Youth!”


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