Tag: oral health

  • Nursing Homes Should Prioritize Oral Health

    Poor oral health can affect overall physical health at any age. Without treatment, poor oral health can lead to pain, infection, malnutrition and even serious illnesses. Therefore, it’s important to incorporate good oral health habits into all stages of life.

  • Caregivers’ Tips for a Healthy Smile

    Most caregivers know good oral health is important at every age and is a clear indication of their patient’s overall health. Some things caregivers should look for are signs of change in the patient’s mouth. Has there been recent tooth loss, discoloration or dryness? Often, seniors may experience those conditions, which affects how they digest…

  • Dentists Are Busy People

    Many patients wish they could enjoy their dentist’s company beyond a quick, customary greeting before their ability to speak is interrupted by the whirr of the drill. Like everyone else, dentists have families, hobbies, enjoy their favorite beverage, have bills to pay and look forward to having fun. And just like everyone else, “busy” is…

  • Smile Through Retirement

    A healthy smile should last well into your retirement years. Many believe it’s natural for teeth to deteriorate as they age, but it’s possible to maintain healthy teeth and gums for life. Consider these tips to keep your smile healthy…