Tag: Coverage

  • Your Medicare Options for 2021

    Each year, Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 is the Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP). During AEP, you will have the opportunity to explore and choose your Medicare coverage for 2021. You will have many choices, which includes selecting a Medicare Advantage plan or staying with your current option. Even if you are satisfied with your…

  • Decision Time About Benefits

    One of the rites of fall for most employees is the opportunity to review and revise their benefit options for the next year (the next benefits year could start in January or sooner). This is often referred to as the “open enrollment” period. Typically, all employees of a company or organization can make adjustments to…

  • Before the Finish Line: Medicare & Fitness

    Although improved fitness plays a significant role in improving overall health and reducing your risk for disease, Medicare usually does not cover exercise classes or the services of a personal trainer. However, when medically necessary, Medicare Part B may cover occupational and physical therapy, which could include some exercise and fitness training.