• The Most Difficult Conversation

    During the winter break, I read a book called Difficult Conversations, how to discuss what matters most. The authors teach ways to engage in conversations, maintain good relationships and convey and receive meaning and intentions without blame and defensiveness. They point out that the key to engaging in successful difficult conversations is to talk about…

  • The Legacy Relay

    Watching a running relay race is exciting. Running together at full speed and passing the baton to a teammate is thrilling to watch. I would ask you to consider that your estate plan is your relay. The definition of the word relay is “a series of persons relieving one another.” Your baton is your legacy…

  • Lost in Translation

    Did you play the game “grape vine” as a child? You whisper something to someone who whispers it to another, until the last person gets the message. The last person says the message out loud. At best, it is a very garbled version of the original message. Think about estate planning. People tell their attorney…

  • Estate Planning: Preventing the Fight

    You kids, don’t fight when I’m gone. These were always my Mom’s words as she left to go grocery shopping, and left my brothers and me home alone. I remember, as soon as we’d heard the car leave the garage, we would start fighting over something. Now as an adult, I notice that the same…