Tag: Aquatic
Aquatic Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain
If you are one of the 100 million Americans who experience chronic pain, know that physical therapy can be a safer alternative to potentially addictive medications. Physical therapy plays a vital role in helping to manage and overcome chronic pain through proper strengthening and flexibility exercises, manual therapies, posture and body mechanics instruction.
Older Adults Adapting to Limb Loss
Statistics show that a majority of U.S. patients who require an amputation are age 65 and older. Amputation will likely intensify feelings of dependency, depression and helplessness: I’m too old now to learn to live without a limb. Who cares anyway? Who knows how many years I have to live? Limb loss is a serious…
Cold Laser Therapy for Pain
Pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. The American Academy of Pain Management estimates that more than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Patients often explore multiple options for relief, but pain medication continues to be the mainstay of chronic pain management in the U.S. Forty years of research supports…
Are You Golf-Ready?
Golf is a popular sports activity. Unlike most sports, it can be played throughout the golden years, if you can avoid injury and stay in shape. The American Physical Therapy Association says that older golfers often forget that while their passion for the game remains high, their bodies have aged. As we age, we lose…
What Is Ai Chi?
If starting a new exercise routine is part of your self-improvement plan this year, you may want to consider Ai Chi. Ai (meaning “love”) Chi (“breath/essence/ being”) is a graceful form of aquatic exercise that involves a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner using deep breathing and accompanied by relaxing music and…