Tag: 2013-2018 Hawaii Falls Prevention State Plan

  • How to Handle Fall Risks

    Everyone has heard about the aging “tsumani”— that enormous collection of “Baby Boomers” who were born after World War II — and its huge impact on our Islands and society. Boomers are turning 65 in record numbers: every 10 seconds. That is 6 new seniors per minute, 360 per hour, 8,640 per day, and more…

  • Al Harrington Discusses His Years … And Yours

    Al Harrington Discusses His Years … And Yours

    At 77 years young, Al Harrington has seemingly lived the life of the American Dream—entertainer, actor, healer and educator. Yet, after experiencing cancer and diabetes, Al was compelled to build the healing spirit in Hawai‘i. For him, that meant illustrating how new and old methods of healing can work well together.