Smile More in Your Retirement

Retirement can open the door to many wonderful experiences — more time with your ‘ohana, an opportunity to try a new hobby, a chance to travel more or maybe just a break to enjoy life at a more relaxed pace.

While you enjoy this next chapter of your life, it’s important to maintain good oral and overall health. That includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, maintaining a healthy, low-sugar diet and exercising daily to stay healthy year-round. As we age, we are more susceptible to oral health issues, such as gum disease and tooth decay. Having a dental plan in place will ensure that you have coverage for routine checkups, preventive care and any major treatments you may need in the future.

Visiting your dentist regularly becomes even more crucial during retirement. Your dentist can detect issues early and provide professional cleanings that may prevent bigger problems from developing. Besides gum disease and tooth decay, seniors are at a higher risk for dry mouth and oral cancer, making these visits essential for maintaining good oral health.

Keeping in mind that poor oral health can lead to many larger health issues, such as heart disease, diabetes and other ailments, maintaining good oral hygiene is a key component to an overall healthy lifestyle. Continue practicing these healthy habits throughout your retirement to live well and smile more!

Kahala Howser Pimentel, Wellness & Events Manager


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