Senior Pedestrian Safety Tips

Seniors 65 years and older represent about a third of all pedestrian fatalities across the state. The Hawai‘i State Department of Transportation’s Walk Wise Hawaii program launched a partnership with First Insurance Company of Hawaii (FICOH) to stress the importance of visibility while walking — day or night.

Most pedestrian crashes occur between 6 pm and 6 am, when visibility is low. FICOH provided over 3,500 green reflective pedestrian snap-on wristbands and safety lights at senior outreach events across the state.


  • Dress to be seen. During the day, wear brightly colored clothing. At night, wear reflective material on your shoes, hat or clothing.
  • Cross only at corners or marked crosswalks.
  • Always walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, make sure you walk facing traffic.
  • Look left, right, left again and over your shoulder before you step into the street.
  • Keep looking and listening as you cross, until you reach the other side.
  • When crossing in front of stopped cars, make eye contact to be sure drivers see you before crossing in front of them.

If your organization would like to receive pedestrian safety wristbands, email to book a pedestrian safety presentation. For more information, visit


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