New Memoir: The Society of Seven

For five decades — from their early years in Hong Kong as the Fabulous Echoes to standing-room-only performances in clubs and concert halls around the world — the saga of the Society of Seven has been one of the most enduring success stories in show business. Now the band’s colorful history has been captured with the release of The Society of Seven: Last of the Great Show Bands, authored by the group’s longtime manager, Frances Kirk. In her lively 362-page memoir, Kirk recounts the wild ride of a revolving cast of world-class entertainers, who overcame personal tragedy to build a legacy in the roughand-tumble world of showbiz.

Generations Magazine - New Memoir: The Society of Seven - Image 01“Simply put,” entertainment writer Wayne Harada notes in the book’s foreword, “the SOS wouldn’t have been able to succeed without Frances, and vice versa.” In the book, Kirk recounts their journey through many shining moments, including performances on The Ed Sullivan Show, headlining for more than 40 years at the Outrigger Waikiki hotel and a series of regional hit records. It is a legacy that lives on, as the Society of Seven continues to perform today.

Intertwined with the band’s history is Kirk’s own life story. A savvy businesswoman born and raised in Hong Kong, she joined the family business, Diamond Music Company, in 1960 when her father fell gravely ill. She established the company’s recording department and concert promotion arm, building the company into a major player in the Asian entertainment industry.

Legacy Isle Publishing. Softcover, $19.95, available at bookstores. Call 866-900-BOOK or visit


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