Make Your Giving Go Further

Technology has made all of our lives easier. Just by using a smartphone, you can talk to people all over the world, check the weather forecast or reserve a seat on a plane. The true power of the smartphone is how it combines a myriad of tools into a single, sleek device.

As you support your favorite charity, you might be interested in ways to increase your impact. By combining different giving tools together, you can multiply the difference you make when you give to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity. You may already be making annual gifts, but here are some ways your annual gifts may be combined with other opportunities to make your support go even further:

• You can endow your annual gifts in your will to ensure that your legacy of support continues.
• In addition to annual gifts, you can make a single gift to fund a charitable gift annuity. You will receive lifetime fixed payments and tax savings.
• Another way to help beyond your regular annual giving is with a charitable life estate. You can convey your home to your favorite charity, remain living there and receive tax benefits.

When you think about all of the tools available to you, you can do more than you might have thought possible. By adding an estate or life income gift to your annual giving, you can benefit from lifetime payments and tax savings.

If you would like to know more, call or email us to learn how we can help you combine your giving in a way that benefits you and supports your cause.


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