Ko‘olauloa Senior Mentors Needed

Kahuku High School students deliver meals to kūpuna during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kahuku High School students deliver meals to kūpuna during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To sustain a vibrant kūpuna community, younger generations must take action. Our state needs an adequately trained workforce to care for and support our older population. In response to the need to support kūpuna and family caregivers, and expand workforce opportunities for youth, an eldercare curriculum was developed and implemented at Kahuku High School’s Health Academy on O‘ahu. Eldercare lessons integrated within the larger class curriculum raise awareness about aging issues, foster empathy through immersive activities that mimic age-related conditions, and inspire students to create change through service projects and positive intergenerational experiences with kūpuna.

Kūpuna mentors are needed in the Ko‘olauloa District to participate in intergenerational activities with high school students. If you are interested, please contact cnishita@hawaii.edu.

Kind2Kupuna is Age-Friendly Honolulu’s umbrella initiative consisting of a Business Initiative, Youth Engagement Initiative and Dementia Friends.


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