Journaling Can Help Us Cope With Grief

Why is grief journaling good for us? Journaling is an effective coping mechanism for our grief. The journal becomes a companion as we navigate grief and serves as a safe, nonjudgmental healing outlet.

Many of us may already keep journals , but if we haven’t explored this avenue, let’s track our grief journey on paper. How do we start?
♥ Let’s pick our journal. Do we like blank or lined books? Composition books are the cheapest. We can also gather recyclable materials, like paper bags and envelopes in different colors and shapes. Staple or bind them to make a book.
♥ Let’s pick our writing elements. Do we prefer using gel or fountain pens? Pencils, crayons, markers and paints work, too.
♥ Let’s choose a time to write for at least five minutes on a daily basis. Is it morning, afternoon, evening or at bedtime? Use a timer. Start with a minute and gradually write for five minutes. Taking small steps is key when we plan to journal on a daily basis.
♥ What do we write about? What you write can range from lists of things we need, want and dream of doing to random thoughts that pop into our minds. We may choose to write letters to our loved ones. Maybe write a delicate haiku, describing something in nature. The variety of topics is virtually endless. You can write about anything. But it is also perfectly fine to start with, “I am not sure what to write about…”

Write daily for 30 days to establish a habit.

♥ Before we begin writing in our grief journal, let’s take deep breaths, be mindful, put our hands on our book and bless the pages. Next, let’s tell our inner critics to leave the room during our daily writing sessions. And let’s not worry about grammar and spelling. Now release and let it flow.
♥ After a month of journaling, let’s reflect on our words. If we don’t want to share our writings, draw or paint over the words or tear up the pages and make a collage out of them.

Facilitated by KOKUA MAU (nonprofit)
808-585-9977 |
Learn more about grief and the healing process: Help For The Bereaved — The Healing Journey (


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