Hurricane Preparedness

While the Eastern Pacific hurricane season remains in effect, as does the increased possibility of potentially dangerous storms headed Hawai‘i’s way, homeowners are encouraged to shore up their roof with the goal of mitigating catastrophic damage.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center, this year’s hurricane season that runs through November has up to an 80% chance of being enhanced by El Nino conditions. El Nino is responsible for elevating ocean temperatures and leading to above-average tropical cyclone activity in the waters surrounding Hawai‘i, thus making hurricane preparedness more important than ever.

Preparedness is best advised. Not only should you make sure your emergency provisions are up-to-date and well stocked, but your dwelling — roof — need to be checked on as well.

Here are some preventive measures to follow:

  • Check past service records on your roof. If more than 10 years since installation or repairs has been done, then it’s best to have a free roofing inspection pinpoint necessary improvements.
  • Trim encroaching tree branches
  • Take inventory of loose outdoor items such as coolers, patio furniture, umbrellas, awnings and other objects that could turn into dangerous projectiles when tossed by hurricane-force winds. By securing these items around the home and making sure one’s roof is intact, residents give themselves, family members and neighbors the best chance of riding out what is predicted to be a busy hurricane season.


Murakami Roofing, LLC |
808-348-8270 |


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