How to Join the Flexible Workforce

I have often written to you about imagining your future — daring to dream and following your own internal journey as you think about the many opportunities for work in the year ahead.

FIRST THINGS FIRST — YOU! Your first step in exploring your future is to take an internal journey in order to make a decision to work for pay, for fun or for the good of others. Part-time and other ways of working flexibly are bountiful. Many offer unique advantages to mature workers over that old classic — the 9-to-5 job.

Think of this new time, with its many new ways to work, as the time that change and innovation are opening financial and social opportunities for those of us who need or wish to continue working over our much longer lifetimes. Think you’re alone in this new quest? Think again, as older workers form more than 30 percent of the flexible workforce; the number is growing daily.

Where do you find flexible work in Hawai‘i?

  • Google “temporary staffing agencies in Hawai‘i.”
  • Or, search for opportunities my way and Google product or service areas that interest you. I am a writer and find many options by Googling “opportunities for writers and editors in Hawai‘i and beyond.”
  • Join LinkedIn. For example, through my 1,100 people connections on LinkedIn, I have been able to link with people who are working remotely — here, there and everywhere. For me, the most appealing way to work is remotely from my lānai in Hawaii Kai.

Of course, you need to have relevant market skills in order to secure new opportunities of interest to you, as well as to clients and customers.

Adding basic skills to your experience is the easiest way to prepare. How easy is it? Well, I learned many necessary technical user skills from my 16-year-old granddaughter! In exchange, I helped her to develop the confidence and skills to drive a car!

Unfortunately, unrealistic fears block many mature workers from new learning experiences. Here are two sources that have helped me overcome the reluctance to reinvent myself. AARP and OSHER ( offer ideas, connections and referrals to suitable skill building programs throughout Hawai‘i. Step up. Find renewed purpose through some form of work. You’ll be glad you did!

Carleen MacKay
916-316-0143 |

Contact Carleen via her website and receive New Ways to Work, a free PDF book co-written with Phyllis Horner.


One response to “How to Join the Flexible Workforce”

  1. Rita Avatar

    how do people afford to live while working when they want to work. Unfortunately, it does not work that way. If it did, then everyone would do so.
    The only thing to do is to stop allowing our government to make ALL of the rules. industry and the medical industry is killing us & have been doing so for a long time. It always comes down to money , power & greed! and we are lazy & hypocritical! I include myself. I am 61 yrs old, not in the best of health, but, things could be worse. I know there are people worse off than me. I have been in the medical field for over 30 years and I have grown to hate it! I wish I could find another way to support myself!! If you look at my resume you only see one line of work, many jobs but only in the medical field. So no one outside of this field will hire me and I’m not going back to school, couldn’t afford it even if I wanted to.

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