Hawaii Parkinson’s Association

wpe19aa17e_01_1aThe Hawaii Parkinson’s Association (HPA) is a nonprofit volunteer group comprised of people with Parkinson’s disease, caregivers, family members, health care professionals, educators and leaders in the business community. Our mission is to support ongoing research into the cause of and cure for Parkinson’s disease, and to educate patients, caregivers, and the public about how to live well with Parkinson’s, here and now.

Hawaii Parkinson Association was established in 1996, and in 2012 affiliated with the National Parkinson Foundation. Beginning January 1, 2016, the organization will again reorganize as HPA and all funds raised by HPA will stay in Hawai‘i to support our local mission.

In October, a large number of supporters join a walk for Parkinson’s awareness at the HPA “Moving Day” event. To learn more email: movingday@parkinson.org.
In October, a large number of supporters join a walk for Parkinson’s awareness at the HPA “Moving Day” event. To learn more email: movingday@parkinson.org.

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, progressive neurological disease that causes brain cells controlling movement to die without being replaced. The most noticeable symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include slowness of movement, tremor, rigidity and difficulty with posture and balance. Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurological disease in the nation.

In addition to having a strong support network at home and in the community, exercise and physical activity are keys to living well with Parkinson’s disease. HPA acts as the hub of information for people living with Parkinson’s disease in Hawaii as well as their caregivers.

We currently manage eight support groups for patients and caregivers. HPA also funded the development of exercise classes designed specifically for people living with Parkinson’s, which YMCA of O‘ahu offers at six of their locations. HPA offers educational seminars and workshops throughout the year on important topics: medication management, deep brain stimulation therapy, physical activity and exercise, and how patients may gain access to local clinical trials.

wpe1eb8c62_01_1aPeople living with Parkinson’s disease need not face the future alone or with uncertainty. Listen to what Sheldon Hershinow from O’ahu has to say:

“I am deeply grateful for the range of information that Hawaii Parkinson’s Foundation provides. I’ve gained valuable insights from symposia, workshops and support group meetings, allowing me to ask my own neurologist the right questions and to select the best machines for me at the gym. The organization has led me to enjoy twice-weekly movement classes that encourage me to do my best without worrying about any shortfall.”

For more information contact HPA/NPF Hawaii.




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