Having the Time of My Life!

When my position as the vice president of operations for a large real estate franchise was eliminated, I created my own business consulting company in August 1993. It was also in 1993 that I took over the ownership of a real estate referral company. I have enjoyed over 30 years of being self-employed. All of this has been with the enormous support of my husband of 47 years.

All of my clients are like family to me, and I take great satisfaction knowing that some have been with me for as long as 20 years. I offer a variety of services to keep their clients, friends and family thinking of them, while saving money with bulk mail postage. I also do marketing for a shopping center and am the executive director for three nonprofit associations.

Generations Magazine’s art director and I have worked together since its inception in 2010. Now I’m happy to be working for my daughter. The staff respects each other’s talents, enjoys working together and takes pride in what we do for Hawai‘i’s kūpuna. We look forward to many important issues that are enjoyed, appreciated, and shared with family and friends. Our readers live in Hawai‘i and on the Mainland.

As you can see, I like keeping busy because it makes me happy. Hope you are also enjoying your life, no matter what you’re doing.

Mahalo for being a valued reader of Generations Magazine, some of you since 2010 and some who are new readers. It is my pleasure to be a part of this informative magazine.


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