Friends Forever: Pet Therapy

Lower your blood pressure and make a new friend. The Hawaiian Humane Society brings the joy of pets to seniors with its Pet Therapy program.

The Hawaiian Humane Society has been dedicated to teaching and promoting the bond between humans and animals since 1897. The Society believes that compassionate and responsible care toward animals develops compassionate and caring people. In essence, all life has an intrinsic value that contributes to the quality of life.

With Pet Therapy, the Hawaiian Humane Society brings the joy of pet visits to the elderly at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, hospices and other senior and health care facilities island-wide. The pet visits help seniors with medical and emotional issues. In fact, many medical studies have shown that pet visits reduce stress, anxiety and can even lower blood pressure. Visitations can also encourage seniors to become more physically active, emotionally responsive and cooperative with caregivers and doctors, leading to a better quality of life.

Emotionally, pet visits enhance quality of life and bring joy to the Society’s clients. Pets provide us with entertainment, companionship, love and security. Animal visitations can ease loneliness, stress, and pain—especially for older folks.

If you, or someone you love, is interested in pet visits, please contact the Society today.

This Pet Therapy Program not only gives back to the community, but it also provides a way to strengthen bonds between owners and their pets. If you (and your furry friend) are interested in becoming participants, please contact the Society for details on Peet Visitation Assessments.

Hawaiian Humane Society 356-2217


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