Family Caregivers’ R & R

It’s a mistake for family caregivers to forget about their own well-being while caring for their loved ones. Many feel guilty for taking time off for a spa day or a staycation. I encourage them to accept it’s perfectly OK to get away and return reinvigorated and refreshed.

I also endorse going on escapades, like Neighbor Island trips or to faraway places, via tour groups, private treks or whatever suits your preferences.

One of the biggest regrets Baby Boomers have is an unfulfilled bucket list because they had other obligations. Maybe it’s time to ask for support from family members to care for loved ones while you fulfill some of those dreams.

The key to a fun getaway is planning. For more than a decade, my husband and I have regularly crisscrossed the world with six couples we have known for over 50 years. The friend who plans out and leads our five-star dream itineraries researches ideas on the internet and in YouTube videos, and he negotiates with local vendors, hoteliers and tour guides to keep costs down.

Make your motto: Live and die without regrets — and take time off, before it’s too late.

World Class Vineyards in Bourgogne, France.  Kneeling: Annette Pang and Kathleen Ching, Middle: Ronald & Penny Mau, Russell Ching, Wendell Pang, Steve & Tina Chung, Cynthia & Guy Seu, Back: Loretta & Tyler Yajima
World Class Vineyards in Bourgogne, France.  Kneeling: Annette Pang and Kathleen Ching, Middle: Ronald & Penny Mau, Russell Ching, Wendell Pang, Steve & Tina Chung, Cynthia & Guy Seu, Back: Loretta & Tyler Yajima



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