Elderhood Project

Kirk Matthews - Generations Magazine - August - September 2011I am headed off this summer to a place I’ve never been before, with people I’ve never met before, and I couldn’t be more excited.

Linda and I were asked to host a tour group to Nova Scotia. There will be ferry rides, lobster and bus tours and lobster and hikes and lobster and … did I mention there will be lobster?

My point is this – we [meaning all of us of a certain age] tend to get set in our ways and avoid anything that even remotely resembles a radical change. I am as guilty of that as anyone. But when this opportunity presented itself, Linda and I looked at each other and asked, “If not us, who? And if not now, when?”

So, here we go …

We will use all our high-tech tools to stay in touch with the folks here at Generations Magazine and at KHON2. But we will also make a lot of time during our daily routine to learn more about the people around us – and about each other. Even though Mrs. Matthews and I have been married 27 years, I still learn something new about her almost every day. For example, she is a much better golfer than I am, which means we’ll be eating more lobster than golfing on our little trip to the Great White North. See you in the fall!


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