Category: October – November 2013

  • All You Need is Love . . .

    What can brighten the day of a hospice patient with no one to visit them or a person going through chemotherapy? With a cold nose and furry smile, the Hawaiian Humane Society’s Joy Ambassadors help to spread cheer as part of the pet visitation program. Volunteers and their pets visit about 50 hospitals, care homes…

  • For Once in My Life!

    If you are a Tony Bennett fan, there are few things better in middle age than listening to a medley of his hits, which has to include “I Left My Heart in San Francisco!” He recently performed at the Neal Blaisdell concert hall and his performance was spectacular. At the young age of 87, he…

  • You’re the Caregiver, but Who Will Take Care of You?

    The pool of family and friends to care for Hawai‘i baby boomers as they age into their 80s will be less than half as deep as it is today, according to a new report from AARP. The report predicts the ratio of potential family caregivers to elders needing care will plummet from today’s six caregivers…

  • Reverse ParentingReverse Parenting

    The role of being a “reverse parent” didn’t occur to me until I dropped off my father on his first day at adult day care. While walking back to my car, I said to myself, I hope the day care doesn’t call me and say they’re sending him home because he soiled his clothing or…

  • Caregiver Survival Tips

    Caregivers often are so busy caring for others that they tend to neglect their own emotional, physical and spiritual health. Caregiver stress can be particularly damaging since it is a long-term challenge. Caregiving can be overwhelming at times and if this stress is left unchecked it can take a toll on a person’s health, relationships…

  • My Take on Things: Find Your Local Senior Club

    Like many of the City & County’s Parks and Recreation senior programs, the Moanalua Senior Citizens’ Club did not meet in June, July and August while the City’s Summer Fun programs took over their locations. When I delivered Generations Magazine’s August/September issue on Monday, September 9th, I heard one of the seniors say that it…

  • Abuse of Trust: When Caregivers Become Criminals

    When May Lee (victim’s name changed) hired Susan Chin to be her caregiver, it seemed like the perfect solution to her long-term care needs. Over time, however, when Chin gained Lee’s trust, she slowly gained access to Lee’s finances and convinced her to sign a “power of attorney” (sometimes referred to in our office as…

  • Following Your Passion is Worth the Risk

    As an entertainer, I have always had a great love for the arts and my professional life reflects that as well. But painting was the farthest thought in my head. I did, however, secretly admire painters from afar. I would study their paintings and read their back stories. I would feel a strong sense of…

  • Caregiving & Medicare

    As the air cools and the mango trees produce the last of their fruit, we approach the fall season and the Medicare Open Enrollment Period. November is also National Caregivers Month. These are both very important times for individuals with Medicare and our unsung heroes — caregivers. Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period is from October 15…

  • The Benefits of Aquatherapy

    Unlike “water aerobics,” aquatic therapy is a specialty of physical therapy performed in a warm-water pool to assist patients in healing. The effectiveness of an aquatic program rests largely on the physical properties of water, along with the skilled guidance of a qualified physical therapist. The water’s buoyancy removes the stress and pressure on muscles…