Category: May – June 2022

  • The Answer is: What is an HMO?

    Ever imagine you might need to become a contestant on “Jeopardy” to pay your healthcare costs? Your answer may be no, but it seems it pays to understand how a health maintenance organization (HMO) works, if you have one.

  • The Keys to Your Online Kingdom

    When you open an online account of any kind (anything from Facebook to online banking), you generally want to set the minimum password length to at least eight characters. The longer the password, the harder it is to crack, so for even greater security, set the minimum password length to 14 characters. • It can…

  • It’s Time to Embrace Technology

    Some of us seniors may still cling to the belief that the old days were so much better. However, most of us have certainly developed an appetite for the latest cellphones, ultra-modern appliances and high-tech cars. Likely as a result from the pandemic, baby boomers who previously gathered to talk story, now chat on Facebook.

  • Hawaiian Humane Society

    The mission of the Hawaiian Humane Society (HHS) is to promote the human-animal bond and the humane treatment of all animals. Listed below are some of the ways you can assist or benefit from the services that HHS offers. PROGRAMS & SERVICES (See below for contact information) Seniors for Seniors Adoption Program: If you are…

  • My Heart’s Song

    My Heart’s Song

    The compassion at the heart of Ginny Tiu’s advocacy for those who have no voice is a great source of joy in her life. Her God-given talent as a piano prodigy at age 5 gave her the opportunity to travel the world, where she witnessed heartbreaking poverty and harsh inequities, calling her caring nature to…

  • May – June 2022

    May – June 2022

    The May-June 2022 issue of GENERATIONS MAGAZINE features the story of philanthropist and pianist Ginny Tiu – a remarkable story of a child prodigy who went on to devote her life to humanitarian and animal welfare efforts. You’ll also read about protecting your pets after you’re gone and how is your estate going to be…