Category: June-July 2017

  • Before Retiring, Prepare with an ‘Exit Plan’

    When my husband told me in early 2019 that he wanted to retire, my first reaction was, “No, you’re still young and can work until you’re 70.” When we had a serious conversation a few months later, I agreed with his desire to retire, but said, “You need to have an exit plan because I…

  • Help a Loved One with Social Security

    by Jane Yamamoto-Burigsay, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Hawai‘i According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are nearly 57 million people living with disabilities. Thirty percent of America’s adults help provide care for a sick or disabled family member. Providing physical and emotional support is a demanding job with stresses and rewards, but it…

  • Retired & Senior Volunteers Give Back…

    The Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), one of the largest senior volunteer networks in the U.S., is one of three Senior Corps programs funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency that supports service and volunteering.

  • Living in a Community of Caring

    Ever think about growing old? Even when we become caregivers for aging loved ones, or start to feel pain in our joints, or experience the “where did I leave my keys?” and “what was I gonna say?” moments, we may still not attribute them to aging.

  • National Patient Safety Goals

    Most seniors I meet say they prefer to age in place and live at home for as long as they can. Who wouldn’t want that, right? But living out your life safely at home may require a bit of help and experience. Home healthcare is particularly suited here; clients can manage their care with medical…

  • Are Your Affairs in Order?

    Does someone know where you keep your important documents? Do your loved ones know what your last wishes are should something happen to you? Do you know what to do when a loved one is faced with an emergency?

  • Gregory Pai at Manoa Gallery

    Tucked in a quiet corner in Manoa Valley, Manoa Gallery is a neighborhood gem where fine arts and crafts by senior Hawai‘i artists Gregory Pai, Russell Lowrey, Cora Yee, Richard A Cooke III, Dennis Morton and Barbara Thompson reveal that inspiration and creativity never get old.

  • A New Cave for the Hawai‘i Men’s Shed

    Back in late 2015 at a Rotary club meeting, I learned about the “men’s shed” program. To me, that term conjured up an image of an old workshop or storage building next to a residence. I was corrected by a fellow Rotarian who described the Men’s Shed as a club made up of senior men…

  • Part II: Beware of Pretty Packages

    In the last issue, I covered the lessons my mother-in-law, “Mary,” taught me through her encounters with various scam artists she has met over the years. Unfortunately, those incidents were only the tip of the iceberg.

  • Reflecting on What is Important

    I had been preparing to write about the importance of conversation in estate planning while watching a documentary on HBO called Cries From Syria. In the midst of this heart-wrenching story about the Syrian situation—a girl, who could not have been older than 8 or 9—facing death from starvation and preparing her will. It had…