Category: June – July 2015

  • Do I Have a Tip For You!

    After the debut of this column in the April/May 2015 issue, family, friends and readers came up with some new tips to share. One household item that came up more than once was the fabric softener “dryer sheet.” Here are a few suggestions for its use outside of the dryer: put one in your vacuum…

  • Four Generations Big

    What a blessing it is that my husband and I have our three children, son-in-law and granddaughter all within 10 miles of us. My parents live nearby, and four of my five siblings and their families live on O‘ahu. Four generations of my immediate family get together every month for birthdays and holidays! Hawai‘i’s generational…

  • Another Option: Reverse Mortgage

    Many families worry about the financial future of their retired parents. For peace of mind and the well-being of your parents, it’s important to talk with them about the kind of financial help they may need to “age in place.” Most people want to live out their years in the home they have lived in…

  • Tips for Navigating Health Care Systems

    Are you a family caregiver — taking care of your parents and also your own keiki? Understanding health care can be a challenge, whether you live with that family member or provide long-distance assistance. In the 2014 AARP Caregiver Survey of Hawaii Registered Voters, more than 62 percent of respondents 45 years and older said…

  • Senior Classic Games 2015

    It was a gorgeous day when the 26th Annual Senior Classic Games began at Halawa District Park on Thursday, March 19. There were a total of 91 teams entered from 25 district parks in four different games, totaling 273 participants, not including spectators and staff. The Senior Division participants were ages 55 to 69 and…

  • Message from The Editor

    Baby boomers — from the Vietnam era of their youth to the technology boom of their midlife upward mobility — 76 million baby boomers made news as they faced every new cycle of life. Now, their retirement and aging put strain on our nation’s health care system, and baby boomers’ own families. Our cover feature,…

  • Baby Boomers Face the Challenge

    Baby Boomers Face the Challenge

      Baby Boomers who have built successful careers and investments for the future are now experiencing the physical, emotional and financial outcomes of caring for their aging parents, while they meet the expense of college or support for adult children who choose to live at home. Boomers who did not plan ahead or who lost…

  • Safe Use of Medications for the Elderly

    With a growing older adult population and increasing number of prescriptions available, the potential for medication safety problems is expanding. As people age, they may be prescribed more than one medication. This increases the risk for drug interactions and side effects. Age-related changes in the kidneys, liver and central nervous system also put seniors at…

  • Can You Save Your Vision?

    My patients often ask: “Doctor, what can I do to save or preserve vision for myself and my family?” Prevention: Wear sunglasses! Over time, sunlight damages the lens of the eye, causing cataracts. More Medicare dollars are spent for lens replacements than for any other kind of surgery. The average age for cataract surgery is…

  • Alzheimer’s Disease

    Alzheimer’s is a progressive illness that involves the destruction of brain cells. In its earliest stages, symptoms include a decrease in short-term memory and forgetfulness, often accompanied by a diminished ability to find words. Emotional and personality changes in the early stages maAlzheimer’s is a progressive illness that involves the destruction of brain cells. In…