Category: June – July 2015

  • Reflecting on Governor John A. Burns

    In midlife, documenting the lives of our ancestors and our own memories suddenly becomes important. Even if our kids aren’t interested — we know someday they will be. Brendon Burns, 47-year-old grandson of Hawai‘i Gov. John A. Burns, has applied his writing and journaling skills to an earnest and diligent “look back” at the “greatness”…

  • 5 Tips for Senior Sun Safety

    Summer and family fun is right around the corner! More sunshine not only makes the great outdoors more inviting, but increased UV rays and heat also create a few risks. Seniors don’t “feel the heat” the way younger people do and might not be aware of the risks of high temperatures. Physiologically, as we age,…

  • Estate Planning for College Students

    I recently received a call from a client who has a daughter attending college on the Mainland. Her daughter had been in a ski-accident and was in the hospital. When the mother called the hospital to find out her daughter’s status, they would not release any information or allow the mother to make any decisions…

  • Asian-Style Mini Turkey Meatloaves

    This recipe works as a quick weekday dinner or as a great pupu ! Adjust the portion size for muffin-size individual portions, tart-sized tantalizing bites or sliders (mini sandwiches made in dinner rolls) by flattening the tart-sized portions before cooking on a baking sheet. Ingredients: Meatloaf 1-1/2 lbs ground turkey 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs…

  • Gifts Anyone Can Afford

    Sometimes I am asked by people how they can help our cause without disturbing their finances. Surprisingly, there are ways to accomplish that goal. Each situation is different, so consulting your tax advisor is a good idea. You may wish to consider these ideas: •  Designating a charity as a beneficiary in your will or…

  • Transition to Care at Home

    “The case manager was excellent in preparing us for the care that my mother needed. She went beyond the call of duty.” “I want you to know how grateful we are and how wonderfully helpful, supportive and resourceful your social worker has been — above and beyond, and a tribute to you and the hospital.”…

  • Where Do Caregivers Find Help?

    You know mom’s getting worse and you’re overwhelmed, with no time to even look for help. Don’t wait until you are running on empty and need help immediately to understand your choices, prioritize needs and know exactly how to select a qualified home health care provider. There are experienced home health agencies licensed in Hawai‘i…

  • Prescriptions or Addiction?

    The pharmaceutical abuser looks like you or me … They start running out of their meds. So now, they start going to the doc to get more and more…the doc cuts them off. Then they start visiting the ER, making up injuries … Now they become our problem as law enforcement.”— Keith Kamita, State of…

  • Someone’s Knocking at The Door

    “Someone’s knockin’ at the door, somebody’s ringin’ the bell, do me a favor, open the door and let them in.” Chances are, if you recognize the lyrics to “Let Them In,” written by McCartney, you may have already gotten a knock on the door by a Medicare agent. Few people can recall how Medicare was…

  • Decisions to Make as You Age

    Where am I going to live as I age and will I need more assistance? Many feel overwhelmed with uncertain options, lack of assistance, decreasing energy and concern about financial burdens. What should I do? Most keep on living their lives without a plan. Some will get lucky and their lives will play out well…