Category: February – March 2020

  • The Power of One-Minute Exercises

    Is more exercise on your list this  year? Was it on last year and the previous years’ as well? Don’t feel bad — exercise holds the No. 1 spot in U.S. surveys as a resolution to be made and broken. So how can you make this year’s intention a success?

  • Pneumonia: No. 1 Cause of Death

    Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the most common types of conditions primary care providers encounter in the United States. It is also the most common infectious cause of death. CAP accounts for nearly 4.5 million doctor visits annually and is the second most common cause of hospitalizations.

  • Smooth Out Those Hard Knots!

    Chronological age does not always reflect the biological age of a person. One way to look and feel much younger than your driver’s license reveals is to stay mentally, socially and physically active. Functional mobility keeps seniors strong, active and independent for as long as possible.

  • Are You Golf-Ready?

    Golf is a popular sports activity. Unlike most sports, it can be played throughout the golden years, if you can stay in shape and avoid injury. The American Physical Therapy Association says that older golfers often forget that while their passion for the game remains high, their bodies have aged. As we age, we lose…

  • Helpful Hints for Organizing Your Space

    Organizing and de-cluttering your home can be daunting. Conflicting emotions are sure to arise, so first, prepare yourself mentally. When you sense these feelings bubbling up, remind yourself that this is normal. Start thinking about enlisting a support team: a trusted family member, friend or  professional to help you step by step through the process.

  • Shopping for the Best Online Shipping

    Seniors with family and friends on the mainland know what high shipping costs can do to a budget. Hawai‘i small business owners hurt even more. They pay to ship in supplies and inventory, and high shipping costs prevent them from competing with big box stores and online retailers.

  • Mellow Friends

    Mellow Friends, a group of karaoke enthusiasts, visited 11 senior centers and assisted living facilities starting in 2011. Melvin Watarai, the founder of this volunteer ensemble, had the karaoke equipment and a format for the singers to perform solo songs, duets and group sing-alongs with the seniors. Three years ago, Gary Shimabukuro took the helm,…

  • Maui Sunset Lilikoi Bars

    There’s nothing better than sharing a perfect, tropical sunset with friends and family. The only thing that can enhance the experience further is sharing a favorite dessert. Here’s mine for Maui Sunset Lilikoi Bars.

  • How to Join the Flexible Workforce

    our first step in exploring your future is to take an internal journey in order to make a decision to work for pay, for fun or for the good of others. Part-time and other ways of working flexibly are bountiful. Many offer unique advantages to mature workers over that old classic — the 9-to-5 job.

  • US Commissaries Open to 3M More Vets

    On Jan. 1, 2020, 15,000-plus veterans in Hawai‘i — a “high cost area”— became eligible to shop in military stores. Commissaries have low prices and no state tax. Commissaries are like big box stores — some brands may be missing, but they carry almost everything you need. (Note that you will pay an additional fee…