Category: April – May 2017

  • My Elder Abuse Teacher

    It wasn’t the mainland trainings or the thousands of cases I have handled that have given me the greatest insights into elder abuse. No. The best “teacher” I have had regarding dealing with the complexity and emotional stress of dealing with these crimes has been through helping my mother-in-law over the years. “Mary” (not her…

  • What Does It Mean to Be a Trustee?

    A trustee is what the law calls a fiduciary. A fiduciary is a person who is responsible for taking care of something that belongs to someone else. Under the law, fiduciaries owe legally enforceable duties to the beneficiaries — the people or charities on whose behalf they handle assets. A trust is a legal relationship…

  • New Service Provides Free Legal Assistance

    When it comes to legal matters, there’s a whole set of terminology that may leave your head spinning. Picking apart the legalese may prove such a daunting task that we may even put off tending to important matters, which can be risky. With so many details to take into consideration, it’s only natural to have…

  • Creating a Charitable Giving Strategy

    It’s not too late to align your spending with your priorities. If charitable giving is an important part of your budget, take a step back and reevaluate your giving strategy. There are a myriad of causes and organizations you can support, which can leave even the bestintentioned philanthropist confused, frustrated and overwhelmed. The following steps…

  • SSA Kidney Disease Benefits

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) helps spread the word about the importance of kidney health and what you should do if you think you or a loved one has a kidney-related disability. Kidney disease prevents kidneys from cleansing your blood to their full potential. Did you know that one out of three Americans is currently…

  • Staying in the Know

    In your younger years, you may have been active in community affairs. But now you don’t get out so much. Maybe your caregiving duties keep you at home more. The good news is, you can still be involved in community affairs from the comfort of your own computer. In the first few months of 2017…

  • Resolving Conflicts Through Mediation

    The executive director at the The Mediation Center of the Pacific shared important information about the nonprofit’s Kupuna Pono program in Generations Margazine’s June/July 2016 issue. Every family eventually has disagreements regarding elder care and support. In short, Kupuna Pono is a program designed to help family members talk about difficult issues and develop plans…

  • ‘An Amazing Place To Be…’

    It’s 7:30 a.m. and volunteers are already preparing for a day of fun classes, club activities and good conversation. The Lanakila Multi- Purpose Senior Center (LMPSC) is the place to be for active seniors. LMPSC is filled with great energy, caring people, and active seniors, volunteers and staff. It is amazing to learn about and…

  • Rewarding Activities for Our Ku¯puna

    ALU LIKE Inc.’s Ke Ola Pono No Na¯ Ku¯ puna Program (KOPP) provides nutrition and support services to Native Hawaiians aged 60 and older at 12 program sites statewide plus home delivered meals to those not able to get to a site. Aging is never easy, especially when you have to go through it alone,…

  • Making Mindful Choices for Memory Care

    When a loved one shows the first signs of dementia or is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, it can feel overwhelming. Getting early, quality care is crucial for maximizing their well-being, but knowing where to start is a challenge for many families. A support system is an important first step. Senior living communities often embrace neighborhood…