Category: April – May 2017

  • Honor Our Elders

    As the years roll by, it is not always easy to keep perspective on the people who mean the most to us. Sometimes we forget to show the appreciation they are due. But it is important to remember to express our love and honor our senior citizens while they are still here. For example, one…

  • ‘Disrupt Aging:’ Live Your Best Life at Any Age

    National bestseller Disrupt Aging: A Bold New Path to Living Your Best Life at Every Age by AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins is a book for anyone who wants to live a life of possibility, connection and growth. We’ve all read it and heard it: “50 is the new 30” and “60 is the new…

  • ‘Let’s Play Ball!’

    You hear it all the time: To stay healthy, we need to stay active. Yet as we get older, it can be difficult to find the energy and motivation to get out and exercise. Makua Ali‘i, O‘ahu’s premier senior softball league, provides mature athletes an opportunity to stay active and social. The “slow-pitch” softball league…

  • Senior Dentistry: Concerns and Solutions

    According Harvard Medical School, the need for dentures in later life used to be a foregone conclusion. But today, three-quarters of the over-65 population retain at least some of their teeth. Although older people still suffer higher rates of gum disease, dental decay and tooth loss, they can still do a lot to keep their…

  • Manage Diabetes with Aquatic Therapy

    Diabetes affects people in different ways, but those with type 2 diabetes frequently suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure and nervous system damage, including impaired sensation or pain in the hands and feet. Physical activity and keeping a healthy weight can help to manage the disease and prevent diabetic problems. Although walking may be…

  • Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine & Kidneys

    Our kidneys make up an important system in our bodies. They are responsible for many vital functions, such as removing wastes from our blood, controlling blood pressure and keeping our bones strong, for example. Such an important organ system deserves our best care and effort so we can keep it functioning well for our entire…

  • Walk With a Doc on O’ahu

    Walking is low-impact and has the lowest dropout rate of any physical activity. In fact, walking as little as 30 minutes a day can have tremendous health benefits, such lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, improved mood, reduced coronary heart disease and much more. Founded in February 2016, the Walk with a Doc (WWAD)…

  • Caring for Ku¯puna with Chronic Disease

    In 2014, the Hawai‘i Department of Health, Chronic Disease and Health Promotion Division reported that 82 percent of the state’s adults have at least one of the following chronic diseases or conditions: heart disease, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, asthma, disability, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and obesity. In addition, kidney disease can lead to loss…

  • A Lesson in Patience and Gratitude

    My mother had always been a healthy, determined and spirited woman who was guided by her faith. With a high degree of humor and a strong work ethic, my mother, Tokiko Suda, along with my father, Sakae, raised four children and operated several restaurants in Honolulu. She had always been a source of inspiration and…

  • Estate Planning From the Inside Out

    I’ve noticed that many people approach estate planning from the outside in, rather from the insideout. For example, many people want to “avoid probate” or “minimize tax” as a primary goal — good goals, for sure. If we stop there, we miss the opportunity to explore the deeper meaning underlying these goals, such as ensuring…