Category: Programs & Services

  • Mō‘ili‘ili Community Center

    The Mō‘ili‘ili Senior Center is dedicated to enriching seniors’ lives through activities that enhance fine motor skills, cognition, balance and strength. Our offerings include exercise, dance, music, crafts, painting, Japanese and multicultural games. We strive to keep seniors safe, informed and connected. The Mō‘ili‘ili Community Center (MCC) Senior Program serves seniors 60 years and older…

  • Moloka‘i Kupuna Program Fills the Gap

    Imagine living and working on Moloka‘i most or all your life. Now you’re a kūpuna and many of your ‘ohana members have moved out of the family home or off the island, leaving you to live alone. You begin to feel depressed and cut off from family and even friends. To fill this gap, the…

  • ‘We Never Talked About It’

    The patient is in a coma. The doctor at the hospital is asking, “What kind of care would your dad have wanted if he could speak?” Too often, the answer is “I wish I knew. We never talked about it.”

  • Smiling Faces at Moloka‘i’s Friendly Places

    Senior programs on Moloka‘i are provided by a wide range of nonprofits. There is no designated “senior center,” but a number of facilities welcome program providers. The Moloka‘i Rural Health Community Association (MRHCA) is one such provider. Its Kupuna Program was established post-COVID with funding from Maui County’s Office of Economic Development and Office on…

  • Preventing & Reporting Healthcare Fraud

    Prevention education is the best defense in the fight against healthcare fraud and abuse. When there is malicious intent to commit fraud, the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) gets involved and works with state and federal partners to report cases for investigation.

  • Increase Your Independence

    Do you ever find yourself having difficulty with routine tasks that you used to be able to do with ease? Making lunch? Brushing your hair? Reading a novel? Hearing the television? Assistive technology (AT) can help with all of these and more. AT can help with a variety of challenges: hearing, vision, communication, computer/phone access,…

  • Smart Long-Term Care Search Strategies

    More than 50% of us will experience stress and anxiety while seeking long-term care, according to a recent AARP study. Firstly, it is difficult to find information about all the available services. Worse yet, without a way to easily compare them, they are seemingly indistinguishable (after all, there are over 1,800 senior care facilities and…

  • Mediwhat? Medigap!

    For beneficiaries on Original Medicare (Parts A and B), a Medicare Supplement Insurance plan may provide the extra coverage they need.

  • Medicare Special Enrollment Period

    A Medicare Special Enrollment Period (SEP) is the time when an eligible Medicare beneficiary may sign up for a Medicare plan under exceptional circumstances.

  • Q&A: Retirement Benefits

    Q: My cousin and I are both retired and get Social Security. We worked for the same employer for years, but he gets a higher Social Security benefit. Why is that?

  • Do You Like Helping Kūpuna?

    Are you 55 years or older and looking for a fulfilling way to spend your time? Do you enjoy connecting with other seniors and making a difference in their lives? Whether you’re a recent retiree or an empty nester, Catholic Charities Hawai‘i has an opportunity for you. Transportation Friends for Kūpuna (TFK) is a new…