Category: Articles
10-Digit Dialing Starts in October
Starting this October, you’ll have to dial “808” with all phone numbers you call in Hawai‘i. It seems easy, right? But the change could lead to complications. Starting Oct. 24, 2021, all calls — including those on the same island — must be dialed using 10 digits or the call will not go through.
MDX Lends a Hand to is a Hawai‘i-based nonprofit that started in March 2020 in response to the global pandemic and its impact on the state’s seniors. In the face of this adversity, the group envisioned a Hawai‘i where all kūpuna have food security and access to essentials. Through grants and donations, the organization has made great strides in…
Hawai‘i Honors Its Senior Volunteers
Every May during National Older Americans Month, Hawai‘i’s four county Area Agencies on Aging recognize seniors from each county for their volunteer accomplishments. This year’s national theme was Communities of Strength. Each county received nominations from the public for Outstanding Older Americans. A man and a woman were chosen from each county.
Reasons, Steps, Benefits: Preparing for the Future With a Smart and Sound Estate Plan
Facing one’s mortality is like staring into the sun — we don’t want to do either for very long. There is no cure for mortality, but we can do the next best thing by providing peace of mind in a stressful time. Estate planning provides that peace of mind to those with the foresight to…
Living with Diabetes: It’s a Family Affair
Family plays a key role in the well-being of a loved one diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes. While such a diagnosis might seem overwhelming, it is the small things we do daily that determine how the condition will progress. Family members can help and encourage their loved one by becoming part of their healthcare team.
Passing on Keepsakes
Passing on keepsakes to those we care about and who we know will cherish them can be a meaningful experience. We hope that the recipient of these items will continue to find value and meaning in the keepsake long after we are gone.
Alzheimer’s: Steps to Prepare Financially
If a person close to you has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, it may be time to address some serious financial questions. It is wise to get financial matters in order as soon as possible due to the debilitating nature of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia that affect your loved one’s ability to make…
Relay Conference Captioning Service
As we age, hearing loss may affect our lives, making it more difficult to understand what is happening during in-person meetings, community services, safety workshops and many other events. Struggling to hear and understand what is being said in our daily activities may cause us to feel a loss of independence and dignity, and may…