Category: Living Life

  • Should You Insure Your Pet?

    If your pet is healthy, is pet insurance still necessary? The American Veterinary Association suggests pet insurance to defray costs, which can be around $250 for a simple treatment to over $8,000 if the condition is more serious. The over 85 million pet households in the US spend a whopping $75 billion on pet care…

  • Homemade Matcha Mochi

    Matcha is a powdered green tea that is rich in antioxidant compounds due to its special cultivation method. Traditionally, the tea bushes are covered with bamboo mats to shade the leaves from direct sunlight, therefore producing higher amounts of amino acids, chlorophyll and theanine. Matcha is known for its vibrant color and unique, bitter taste.…

  • Empathy vs. Sympathy

    As a society, we have faced much grief over the last few years. When in the mode of navigating care for ourselves or others, we often run into misconceptions about what we should or shouldn’t do.

  • Writing Helpful Reviews: A Guide for Seniors

    Most customers read online reviews before purchasing a product or service. But when was the last time you wrote one? Remember, when you write a review, you are helping others and yourself.

  • Maui Fires Spark Pioneering Spirit

    It has been nearly a year since wildfires fueled by powerful winds from Hurricane Dora destroyed the town of Lahaina and parts of Kula. The wildfire that killed at least 101 people is the deadliest in the US in more than a century, and the most lethal natural disaster to occur in Hawai‘i since statehood…

  • The Gift of Whole-Body Donation

    Whole-body donation is a no-cost process and a profound act of generosity that allows individuals to contribute to the advancement of medical education, research and the improvement of healthcare practices.

  • Time for Spring Cleaning?

    The season of spring is often associated with a strong desire to do a deep, thorough cleaning of your home. It’s a global phenomenon practiced in big cities, rural communities and remote villages. Social scientists who have studied the annual ritual believe there are health benefits to decluttering, organizing and cleaning up your home. It…

  • Shrimp, Cucumber & Avocado Salad

    A salad made with shrimp, cucumber and avocado is perfect for family gatherings because it’s delicious, hearty and makes even the pickiest of eaters smile.

  • Before Purchasing a Subscription Service…

    There are a few things you need to know before purchasing a subscription service. Tips to ensure you’re making a wise investment:

  • Grieving the Loss of a Pet

    If you had a beloved pet as a child, you may have been overwhelmed with feelings of sadness and grief after he or she passed away. For many of us, this was our first experience with death. And as we age, we will most likely experience additional losses of our furry friends. Each and every…