Category: GMEDIA

  • Being with You Through Multimedia

    As Generations Magazine’s goal is to provide our senior community with important information on aging, we have tailored our other media to meet that same goal. We feel our resources are so important to the aging population that we have now expanded into television, radio, the world wide web and social media. We continue to…

  • Connect with us on Facebook!

    Facebook provides a convenient way for you to share and connect with your friends and family online! Get connected with Generations Magazine on Facebook for articles, events, senior tips and more. First log-in to: Here are quick tips to help you respond or share our postings:

  • Generations TV Debuts on Spectrum OC 16

    [box] “Generations Television” will cover topics that interest seniors and their families. Clockwise from left: Aging in Place Workshop, Hawaii Men’s Shed Association, and Mōʻīliʻīli Community Center[/box] Percy Ihara, publisher and editor of Generations Magazine, is pleased to announce the debut of “Generations Television,” a bi-weekly TV show to air on Spectrum OC16 beginning Oct.…

  • Welcome to the Homepage

    Main navigation menu: Use these topics to navigate to the various pages in our site. As you run the cursor over the word, it’ll become bold. These topics will always exist on every page. Throughout the homepage, there are also various other buttons that’ll take you to any one of these topics. Home is the…