Category: Cover Story

  • Caregiving in the Cycle of Life

    Caregiving in the Cycle of Life

    Former first lady Rosalynn was a caregiver herself and she believed that family caregiving is a cycle of life that touches everyone. Here, four people, each at a different point on the cycle, share their care stories from the heart, offering words of wisdom and points of caution. As you read, consider your journey on…

  • Go For Broke

    Go For Broke

    It’s taken local girl Stacey Hayashi more than 15 years to bring this story of the 100th/442nd and MIS to the big screen. Her dream — to perpetuate stories like this for today’s youth and for future generations — took perseverance and sacrifice, like that of the veterans she passionately honors with this film.

  • School Pride

    School Pride

    Generations Magazine celebrates “school pride” with the stories of two retirees who volunteer their time to support their school and its alumni family. If you grew up in Hawai‘i, you probably graduated with some of the same students that you first knew in elementary school.

  • Puakea Nogelmeier – Ascending to the Future

    Puakea Nogelmeier – Ascending to the Future

    A living and vibrant culture rests on two bedrock foundations: a living language, and land that reveres places connected to the history, beliefs and hopes of its people. One of the people at the nexus of language revival in Hawai‘i is Dr. Marvin Puakea Nogelmeier, PhD, Professor of Hawaiian Language at the University of Hawai‘i,…

  • Romancing the Dance

    Romancing the Dance

    Faith and Benny Agbayani celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary this year, and both agree that the success of their partnership is doing things together. Maintaining a close relationship is more than saying, “I love you;” it’s taking on challenges as a team, mastering new skills and learning together. Overcoming obstacles in life requires commitment, sacrifice…

  • Five Views on Caregiving

    Five Views on Caregiving

    Aging with dignity is a major public health issue for the state of Hawai‘i. People of all ages work with and advocate for the elderly by providing educational resources for families and brainstorming private and public health solutions for the growing needs of kūpuna. All generations offer experience and expertise. By 2029, over 70 million…

  • Project Dana – Small House, Big Services

    Project Dana – Small House, Big Services

    The little blue and white house in Mō‘ili‘ili, where Project Dana started an interfaith volunteer caregivers program has never closed! This headquarters was once the home of the late Kuniyo Nakamoto, who was helped by Mō‘ili‘ili  Hongwanji Mission and Project Dana. She was so grateful for the compassion extended that she willed her home to…

  • Pour on Laughter, Love & Hope

    Pour on Laughter, Love & Hope

    It is said, “love conquers all.” And the riveting story of Roy Sakuma’s life and his outreach to at-risk youth proves that the lasting power of love can heal hearts and change minds.

  • Mo’ili’ili Family Ties

    Mo’ili’ili Family Ties

    The traditions and language of the original Japanese immigrants to Hawai‘i in the late 1800s survived because they taught their children to venerate and value the culture of the homeland. In over six subsequent generations of American Japanese, no single organization has nurtured language and culture more than Mo‘ili‘ili Community Center on O‘ahu.

  • Senator Akaka & NKFH: Creating a Healthier Hawai‘i

    Senator Akaka & NKFH: Creating a Healthier Hawai‘i

    The National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii (NKFH) is aiming high with a new clinical community resource center. It broke ground in July and Sen. Daniel Kahikina Akaka wants all of us to support the last bit of fundraising. The new center in Kapolei will house many clinical community programs to help people at risk of…