Boomers’ Declaration of Independence

When a dear friend got dizzy and fell, she agreed to go to the ER. We tried to help her, but we couldn’t find her insurance card, primary doctor’s name or her spare house keys.

If something happens and you are in need of help, will your family and friends be fumbling at a time when every minute counts?

Do they know where you keep your keys, computer passwords, bank account numbers, meds, medical directives, will and estate plan?

It is critical for baby boomers to gather their documents into one file and let trusted family and friends know the location of this important information. Caregivers can be more effective when they know what you want and have the power to carry out your wishes.

Too many times, I have witnessed frustration, sadness, loneliness and depression when clueless but well-intentioned families misinterpret their loved ones’ wishes and needs because they were not made clear in advance.

Ensure they know your plans by organizing your important documents and let someone know about them for the benefit of all concerned.

Adult Residential Care Homes (ARCH) since 2001
Call for a complimentary tour:
Todd Pang, Sr. VP | 808-779-8871


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