Meet my nine-year-old American Champion Italian Greyhound, Blanerne Utoroonga, called “Bindi,” a therapy dog who visits wounded warriors at Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) in the Red Cross Human Animal Bond (HAB) program. She passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) test, a temperament evaluation by a military veterinarian, and evaluation by a senior HAB handler and her dog. She proudly wears her HAB bandana with patches and Bindi Adams ID card when working at TAMC. She’s a smart cookie, and fully certified to help patients with medical, mental and social problems.
Patients love Bindi. She’s a cuddler and her sleek fur is smooth to the touch. She has sad eyes that bring out the best in people and she’s a very good listener. She politely accepts healthy snacks — but secretly prefers chicken nuggets.
Bindi also belongs to Tails of Aloha (TOA), an all-volunteer, animal-assisted therapy organization that offers comfort and de-stressing in schools, hospitals and libraries. To volunteer with your pet, visit the websites below.
RED CROSS HAB PROGRAM | www.redcross.org
TAILS OF ALOHA | www.tailsofaloha.com
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