Generations Magazine Staff
July – August 2022
The July-August 2022 issue of GENERATIONS MAGAZINE features the story of Dr. William Won, one of Honolulu’s foremost brain surgeons – the first Hawaii-born Chinese-American neurosurgeon in the state. You’ll also read the heartfelt story of two women who seemingly fell in love at the wrong place and the wrong time. You’ll also read about…
September – October 2022
The September-October 2022 issue of GENERATIONS MAGAZINE features three compelling stories about people who are in the business of caregiving and who have been caregivers themselves. We meet Kīhei resident Franny Durham who unknowingly serves as an inspiration to those around her through her. On Oahu, an all-women book club has been reviewing books and…
March – April 2022
The March-April 2022 issue of GENERATIONS MAGAZINE leads with a story about cancer in Hawaii and even though we live in paradise, we’re still susceptible to cancer in all its forms. You’ll also get some tips on navigating your first year in retirement, the benefits of again at home, and you’ll read some good news…
May – June 2022
The May-June 2022 issue of GENERATIONS MAGAZINE features the story of philanthropist and pianist Ginny Tiu – a remarkable story of a child prodigy who went on to devote her life to humanitarian and animal welfare efforts. You’ll also read about protecting your pets after you’re gone and how is your estate going to be…
April – May 2021
The April – May 2021 issue of Generations Magazine features Auntie Carolee, a kumu hula, a musician, a teacher, a cultural practitioner – and – a living treasure. Youʻll also read about the new rules for work after the pandemic; defying whatʻs called the “silver tsunami” stereotype; help on deciding when itʻs time to go…
February – March 2021
The February-March 2021 issue of Generations Magazine takes a look at one of Hawaii Island’s iconic grocery store chains, KTA Superstores. You’ll see how this family-owned business celebrates it’s 100th birthday by continuing its owner’s commitment to “humbly serve and do what is right for the community.” You’ll find some tips on how to handle…
December 2020 – January 2021
he December 2020-January 2021 issue of Generations Magazine explores Chinese-American soldiers who served the United States with dignity during World War II but have never received their medals. Kathlyn Clore brings the issue and several soldiers’ stories to light. You’ll also read about age-related muscle loss, Covid testing, safe family activities for the holidays as…
October – November 2020
The October-November issue of Generations Magazine features the heartwarming story of popular Hawaii performer Kalani Pe’a’s grandmother and her progression into dementia from Alzheimerʻs. You’ll also read about help that’s available to kūpuna during the pandemic; a story on how the power of music helps those with dementia; we have some hearing tips for the…
August – September 2020
The April-May 2020 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life, features an in-depth look at Leslie Wilcox, President and CEO of PBS Hawaii, we look at lifework and planning amid Covid-19, the expansion of telehealth services and a look at solutions for loneliness and housng.
June – July 2020
The April-May 2020 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life, features an in-depth look at Leslie Wilcox, President and CEO of PBS Hawaii, we look at lifework and planning amid Covid-19, the expansion of telehealth services and a look at solutions for loneliness and housng.
April – May 2020
The April-May 2020 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life, features an in-depth look at Kawaiahaʻo Church, as well as tips on avoid Coronavirus and much more.
February – March 2020
Dying at home can be traumatic for loved ones. We long for a peaceful walk into a beautiful sunset. But most have never seen anyone die and that first indelible experience will stick with us. We may wish to die in our sleep, suffer an accident where we “never knew what happened” or drop dead…