A Time to Ask . . . A Time to Listen

By the time you read this, I will have traveled to Oregon to visit my mother. I am lucky to have her in my life. I was one of the original baby boomers, born when my dad returned from WW II.

During our visits, we drive to many of the places where I grew up. And we will talk. This is her joy. Her long-term memories are more vivid than her recollection of what she had for breakfast. I see nothing wrong with that. Every time we talk she brings up something I never heard before.

MOM: “ That’s where the principal of the school poached a deer.”

KIRK: “You never told me that!”

MOM: “You never asked.”

Writers in this magazine always try to pass along important information. This is mine — ask while you have the opportunity.

During our trip, we will also attend Linda’s milestone 50th high school reunion. I can’t wait to see all the fat, bald guys she dated in high school! Some of these “kids” she has known since grade school. (Here’s where the “Mom” connection comes in.) Linda and her friends will remember their school days very clearly, but forget the room number at the hotel.

I look forward to driving to the places dear to my mom’s heart. Because I love her, by proxy they are dear to me, too. After more than 40 years of talking on the television, it will be pleasant just to listen for a while — and maybe ask a question or two.

Retired Broadcast Personalities and Journalists Kirk Matthews and Linda Coble speak from the heart on issues concerning boomers and seniors. Post comments for them below.


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