A Secured Estimate is a Secured Roof

With Independence Day on the horizon and summer shifting into gear, homeowners are encouraged to address pending roof-related issues to ensure the safety and longevity of one’s home. A professional roofing company should be contacted for any roof upgrades. It is recommended that a few estimates from companies verified by the Better Business Bureau or referrals from friends and family be looked into first.

By researching the company’s portfolio and references, customers can weed out inexperienced, fly-by-night operations that could produce shoddy results, costing more in the long run.

It is also recommended that homeowners check with the State’s Regulated Industries Complaints Office: 808-587-3295 or www.cca.hawaii.gov/rico/business_online/, to determine the status of a company’s licensing information and history.

Once you’ve nailed down two or three estimates, you can do a real in-depth comparison by asking those companies for information on the industry’s new and popular roofing materials. Don’t let price be the determining factor — consider the quality of materials.

When choosing a roofing company, make sure they are licensed and bonded with a general liability insurance. This is to insure peace of mind and the safety of your home. The end result, a happy homeowner with a new roof.

This 4th of July, let’s all raise our flags to honor our veterans who sacrificed their own lives for our freedom.

Murakami Roofing | www.murakamiroofing.com
808-348-8270 | murakamiroofing@gmail.com


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