Hawai‘i’s Kūpuna: Come and Join Us!


Downtown Honolulu 11:30 am–1 pm, fourth Monday
Harris United Methodist Church 20 S. Vineyard Blvd.

11:30 am–1:30 pm, second Thurs.
Pohai Nani, Club Room
45-090 Namoku St.

Call Larry Geller: 808-540-1928
Jim Shon: jshon@hawaii.edu


Hawai’i State Capitol
1:30 pm, every first Friday
415 S. Beretania St., Room 325

Call Sen. Les Ihara’s office:

WELCOME CREW: Helen Wagner (left) and Barbara Service are among the friendly faces at monthly Kokua Council meetings.
WELCOME CREW: Helen Wagner (left) and Barbara Service are among the friendly faces at monthly Kokua Council meetings.
FREQUENT FLYERS: (From left) Jeani Withington from Hilo, Jim Cisler from Kailua-Kona, and Adele Rugg from Kahului attend Kupuna Caucus meetings in Honolulu.
FREQUENT FLYERS: (From left) Jeani Withington from Hilo, Jim Cisler from Kailua-Kona, and Adele Rugg from Kahului attend Kūpuna Caucus meetings in Honolulu.
SENIOR ADVOCATES: Patricia Morrissey and David Leake, of the Center on Disability Studies at the University of Hawai’i at Ma¯noa, spread awareness about the Hawaii Visitable Housing Coalition at
SENIOR ADVOCATES: Patricia Morrissey and David Leake, of the Center on Disability Studies at the University of Hawai’i at Ma¯noa, spread awareness about the Hawaii Visitable Housing Coalition at www.cds.hawaii.edu/projects/hvc/.
FIGHT FOR RIGHTS: At the Aug. 28 Kokua Council meeting, (from left) Dianne Stevens-Poire, Kate Paine, State Rep. Matthew S. Lopresti (D-Ewa) and Lourdes Scheibert discussed condo owners’ issues.
FIGHT FOR RIGHTS: At the Aug. 28 Kokua Council meeting, (from left) Dianne Stevens-Poire, Kate Paine, State Rep. Matthew S. Lopresti (D-Ewa) and Lourdes Scheibert discussed condo owners’ issues.
MODELS OF HEALTH: Ms. Medicare titleholders (from left) Laurie Bachran, Fay Rawles Schoch and Terri Rainey graced the annual “Good Life Expo” from Sept. 22–24 in the Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall.
MODELS OF HEALTH: Ms. Medicare titleholders (from left) Laurie Bachran, Fay Rawles Schoch and Terri Rainey graced the annual “Good Life Expo” from Sept. 22–24 in the Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall.


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