Writing Helpful Reviews: A Guide for Seniors

Most customers read online reviews before purchasing a product or service. But when was the last time you wrote one? Remember, when you write a review, you are helping others and yourself.

Expressing your gratitude for good experiences or sharing constructive feedback about less-than-stellar experiences both contribute to a company’s online reputation. Writing an authentic and constructive review about a brand’s products or services educates other consumers and alerts the business about any issues with your purchase.

Don’t use reviews for revenge. Instead, focus on productive ways to address shortcomings. Complaint processes like those used at the Better Business Bureau encourage positive change.

Where Should You Write a Review?

BBB reviews go through a verification process. Businesses are always encouraged to respond, which helps paint a more balanced picture. When you read or write a BBB review, know that it’s hosted on a platform committed to authenticity and responsiveness.

Your voice matters, so share your experiences and help others by contributing to a better shopping environment for everyone.

800-460-0910 | info@thebbb.org | thebbb.org
Ad or company clarification: bbb.org
Report a scam: bbb.org/scamtracker
File a complaint: bbb.org/file-a-complaint


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