65 And Still On The Job

What do Al Harrington, Tom Moffat and Melveen Leed have in common? All are over 65 and still actively working.

Al Harrington, entertainer, healer and educator, says he qualifies for employer health coverage through the Screen Actors Guild. In a recent community PSA, Al encourages people to be proactive and visit their doctor for preventive care and regular health screenings. A cancer survivor, Al credits regular visits to the doctor (many available to Medicare beneficiaries at no cost) and practicing a healthy life style, for maintaining optimal health to keep up with the demand for his performances. He also says he inherited “good genes”. Al’s Mom is 100 years old, and lives in Honolulu.

Tom Moffat continues to bring first class productions to Hawaii that entertain all ages. He can still attract the music legends I grew up with from the sixties, and score with my children with the more current music legends of today. How does he do it? He will never grow old.

Melveen Leed is an internationally acclaimed, award winning entertainer who still has the pipes to sing beautifully. Leed is a crowd pleaser and favorite in Hawaii and throughout the world. She can sing your favorite Hawaiian tunes and then belt out Jazz tunes. I caught up with her at a fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club, and was part of the crowd that erupted in a standing ovation.

If you are still working beyond 65 and wonder how Medicare plans work, or if you plan to retire this year, ask your employer to contact a Medicare specialist who can conduct a Medicare pre-retiree workshop. Sessions held over a lunch period can provide sufficient information to avoid challenges later. Medicare-eligible employees usually postpone enrolling at 65 because they are covered under the employer’s plan. Learning about Medicare enrollment is critical to avoid any gaps in coverage, possible penalties and missed Medicare deadlines, when an individual retires.

Live Well Hawaii Medicare specialists have conducted hundreds of Medicare workshops for local companies and their staff. Here is a common question from recent workshops:

I just turned 65 and still work; I have health insurance coverage through my Employer. Do do I need to contact Medicare?

Working at 65 or older, you need to understand how employer’s insurance coverage works with Medicare, now, as an active employee and later, as a retiree. There are specific rules for companies employing less than 20 employees, that may require enrollment in Medicare Part B (coverage for doctor visits, labs) even if you are working. Before you retire, talk to your Human Resources benefits manager about social security and Medicare.

LiveWell Resources Hawaii
808-543-2073 | getmedicare@aol.com
Making Medicare Work For You
A radio program with Martha Khlopin
AM690: Saturdays, 11–11:30 am
99.5FM: Sundays,10 –10:30 am


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