Yay for Online Religion!

Sometimes as people age, their routines limit their physical ability to attend worship services. This is a significant transition in life for those who have formed their religious practice and social connections at a particular place. The look and sound of one’s house of worship, and the rituals and people encountered in that spiritual setting shape an individual in deep and healing ways.

As caregivers, or as we contemplate our own limitations, we may have to admit that it is time to forego regular attendance at worship services. Acoustics can play havoc with hearing aids. Walkways and stairs can be difficult to maneuver with a walker or with diminished eyesight. Real life sometimes encumbers us with incontinence, or the need to wait until medication “kicks in.”

Here are some tips regarding how to keep your spiritual life perking if you can no longer get to your house of worship.

First, don’t just disappear!

Talk to your spiritual leader or a staff member and let them know about your situation. Perhaps there are ways the church or temple will be able to assist. Some offer transportation, others might arrange a way to share the weekly message or bulletin through visits, or through the mail or email.

online-religionCreate a small space in your home for an altar or worship center. Include symbols from your tradition. Add a piece of wisdom to ponder and perhaps a flameless candle. If you have visitors, ask them to bring you a little something from nature.

You might not think of worship on the internet, but it’s there and going strong! You can find everything from images for meditation, live-stream worship services and sacred texts.

If you don’t feel confident that you can find what you need online, make a date with a friend or family member and ask them to help you set up an easy way for you to navigate to favorite spots.


38 Kaneohe Bay Drive, Kailua HI 96734
Rev. Jayne Ryan Kuroiwa
808-254-3802 | windwardpastor@hawaii.rr.com


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