Tag: vision
Do You Take Your Vision for Granted?
By age 65, one-third of all Americans have a vision-impairing eye disease. However, poor sight doesn’t have to be a part of aging. By detecting and treating eye disease early through annual eye exams, seniors can preserve their sight. In the U.S. there are four common eye diseases: glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts.…
Cataract Surgery – A Clear Choice
Cataract is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Fortunately, in the United States, vision loss from cataract is almost always reversible. That’s good news for more than 20 million Americans with cataracts. Cataract is a gradual opacification of the crystalline lens of the eye. As the lens becomes cloudy, vision is blurred. Early symptoms from…