Tag: subscribe

  • August – September 2018

    August – September 2018

    As morning dawned on December 5, 1941, a fisherman cast his net along O‘ahu’s north shore. A college student helped his father open a new business. A volunteer took kids to the beach in Waimānalo. It was pretty much like most other days, for most people. But Sunday, December 7, 1941, would become known as…

  • June – July 2018

    June – July 2018

    Generations Magazine celebrates “school pride” with the stories of two retirees who volunteer their time to support their school and its alumni family.

  • April – May 2018

    April – May 2018

    One of the people at the nexus of language revival in Hawai‘i is Dr. Marvin Puakea Nogelmeier

  • February – March 2018

    February – March 2018

    Maintaining a close relationship is more than saying, “I love you.”

  • Welcome to the Generations808.com

    Main navigation menu: Use these topics to navigate to the various pages in our site. As you run the cursor over the word, it’ll become bold. These topics will always exist on every page. Throughout the homepage, there are also various other buttons that’ll take you to any one of these topics. Home is the…